Wednesday, 24 July 2019

Honey bees!

We were learning the anatomy of a bee.
Anatomy means body parts of a bee.
Honey bees live till they sting somebody.


Wednesday, 3 July 2019

Magic growing ballons

For my science fair I was in a group with Jordan and Sinoe.Our title was Magic Growing Balloons and our topic was growing balloons.Our question was why does baking soda and white vinegar react? I enjoyed doing the experiment over and over again.Our background was a science themed background.

Tuesday, 2 July 2019

The Glowing Rainbow Forest

One magical hot bright windy autumn day, there are some glowing owls in the air. The creek is a flowing galaxy blue and the trees are a bright glowing yellow. In the middle of the forest there was a bang! Crash! Lily a bright white owl was owl softly perched high in a tree trunk. There are camouflaged frogs lying down being lazy. In this world they have rainbow straw. In the straw there is a mother rabbit with very cute brown with white spots.She has 50 baby bunnies underneath her. They are playing sleeping with each other or hiding in the trees or bushes.Then with a flash a owl swooped down incredibly fast and landed softly on a mossy rock next to the river. This was very, very close to the ocean. In fact you could see the ocean! It was a 5 minute walk to the ocean. You could see foxes, bunnies and horses grazing in the luscious long red and orange grass.

After that Lilly the owl followed the monkey down to the ocean to go for a swim and a surf. At the beach they met a girl called Jazzy. Jazzy was saying that she had seen a ginormous green and purple crocodile trying to eat owls out in the ocean. “So be careful out there. I would not want you to get eaten, because you're my friend and you're so kind to me.” Said Jazzy

“But we just met you,” said Lilly and Monkey.

“I do not care if I just met you” said Jazzy. “I am a kind kid and I would not want anybody to get eaten. I love people the minute I see them.”

“Thanks Jazzie. We’re off for a swim and a surf.”

And that’s just what they did together.

Meanwhile the mother rabbit and her baby bunnies were basking in the beautiful shining sunlight. The hot burning sun baked down on the mother rabbit and her babies and they snoozed. After her swim, Lilly the owl spots that she can swoop down really fast and steal the whole family of bunnies. Then she thinks to herself, “Should I do it? Yes I should.” Then she swoops down incredibly fast and gobbles them down one by one. Yum yum!

Lilly then spots a wolf cub and says “Oh no”. Because she thinks, don’t wolf cubs eat owls? If the wolf eats me, then she will also be eating the whole bunny family and then she will say what I said- yum yum!”

Just then there was a loud snap!

“Aaahhh. The wolf cub just ate me. But why am I still alive?”

Then Lily hears a grumpy ugly voice that says “You are alive because I have magical powers. I am really an evil witch who was disguised as a wolf cub, so I could capture an owl like you.”

Then she realises that she has not been eaten. She has just been captured.

“Do you know that you are not just eating me but also eating a whole family of bunnies?” The bunnies I ate have just jumped out of my tummy! For the bunnies also had magical powers!”

The evil witch did not answer Lilly. Lilly then asked the bunny family if they knew the evil witch.

“No, we do not.” Said the bunny family.

Then Lily says “Do you think we are going to her beautiful rich castle. That would be a great place to live.” The evil witch heard her.

“There are guards,” She said. “Because I go out killing animals all day long. I forgot to say that there is no food or water. You have to die! One more thing. There are 100 dog zombies that are green and slimy all over your room and there are bars on all the windows and doors.” Then the witch gave an evil laugh and flew them all to her castle on her broomstick.