Thursday, 26 September 2019

The day we got green gold!

The day we got the Silver Certificate Evoiro School!
The day before the school went out and tidied up all the  rubbish for the silver reflection day. I was in the reflection team.We did a welcome for Kirsty and Kauri.It was terrific.The boys did the haka. They sounded like thunder. After the welcome the we took Kauri and Kirsty down to the awa with room six. Then we went to the bug house. After that we went to the water tank which I was talking about with Kc. Next two lades  came from the gisborne herald. Kauri tapped me on the shoulder two go with the gisborne herald lades to get a photo with the chickens. Me and Marshall hat to try and catch the chickens.The chickens  were as fast as an airplane! We caught one of them but it was very hard. It was the little chicken. She was as loud as a little baby crying! After that we went to the healing garden. I was talking about the healing garden with Josh,Catalina,and Zeva. I talked about the different plants and how they are healing plants. Some of the plants healed sunburns,cuts,and eczema. Then we went to the peace poles I was talking about  them with Zeva. Zeva was just supporting me because the person who I was meant to be working with was away. During the middle block we walked around some of the class rooms and finished the walk around the school. The Silver reflection team got a sheared lunch in room 11. There was ready salt chips,mini marshmallows,grapes,strawberries,camel slice,sagge rolls,cucumber, and carrots. After lunch we went to all the classrooms for about five mins. Then we went back to room 11 where  we were split into four groups with an adult in each group. Then Kauri and Kirsty came around and gave us silver sentences. When we were finished them Kauri and Kirsty asked as to go  and sit around the bunch tghen she gave as green gold

Tuesday, 24 September 2019

Seeking help!

Today I was learning seeking help

I enjoyed doing it in goggle drawings

I found it challenging to find the arrows

Next time I would change the fonts

Wednesday, 11 September 2019

The power of words!

Today I we were learning cybersmart massages to be safe on the internet.

I enjoyed making my slides because I got to watch a video before hand .

I found it challenging to find the image because it was hard to find images that were subtle.

My digital learning object shows that I remembered the messages and images labeled for reuse.

Next time I would change my backgrounds because I  did boring gif backgrounds.

Thursday, 5 September 2019

Bee report!

 Bees! Bees are living insects and bees are from the hymenoptera family which is from the same family as spiders. Bees have 5 eyes 2, large compound eyes and 3 very small simple eyes that you can not see. Bees are yellow and black because to warn danger.

Bees look fluffy but they aren’t fluffy it is their hair. This hair catches the pollen in their pollen baskets found on their hind legs and when they fly to another flower the pollen falls off and pollinates the plant. Bees are found all over the world.

Bees die after stinging someone.The most common place bees life is in a beehive. They are born into a sell. But they are eggs first. They can sting if they sense danger! Did you know that one bee collects pollen and then vomits it into another bee's mouth.

That bee vomits into another bee's mouth. That vomits it into another bee's mouth. That last bee vomits it into the honeycomb. Then they flap their wings to dry the nectar out and then it turns into honey. So we are basically eating bee vomit because bee vomit is honey. But honey is delicious two.

Wednesday, 4 September 2019