Tuesday, 30 June 2020

June reflection

We have been reflecting on our June learning.
I found it easy to think of my highlights of June.
I found it tricky to fill out the math box.

Monday, 29 June 2020

Pattern ball- P.E

We are learning to communicate and work as a team.
First of all you get in to teams of 5 or more. Then you work out the pattern.
Next we tried the pattern with a netball this ball uses a chest pass and when you got the ball you sat down. When we got good at the netball we went on to the second ball which was a basketball with a basketball you bounce it. Now last of all when you get enough you add the third ball now this ball is a rugby ball you do a rugby pass.
To communicate we had to call each other's names and use eye contact.
I found it easy to remember the pattern and who was passing to me.
I found it hard to remember what balls were what passes.

Friday, 26 June 2020


This last week we have been learning about Matariki and  flip grids on if if it should be a public holiday.
Next time I would change the way I present it.
I found it tricky to do the recording because everyone kept talking.

Matariki is the Maori name for a cluster of stars which shows up at night sky and June and July.

Matariki should only be a public holiday and our country because it's Maori culture.
I think Matariki should be a public holiday because it represents Maori new year and Maori people.Other cultures worldwide celebrate their cultural new year.

Chinese New Year
Chinese New Year is a time to celebrate with family in china.
Chinese New Year is only a public holiday in its own country.
Chinese New Year is celebrated with food and traditional dances.

Diwali lasts for 5 days.The days of Diwali changes
because of the year  changing.
Yes, it should be a public holiday because it seems like a good time to have a public holiday.
I think Diwali should be a public holiday because it is a Indian Festival of Lights.

Kharn: yes because they would love to hang out with their friends and dance  and eat hangi.
Josh: yes because it is nice to see family and friends.
Logan: yes because I think matariki should be a public holiday because you're celebrating the maroi culture and especially if you are maroi.
Sione: yes because it only comes up once  a year and it's a great chance to see in the family.

Thursday, 25 June 2020


I was learning to use subheadings, text boxers and pictures.
I found it tricky to put it in my own words.
Next time I would change and put it on a Google drawing and create some of my designs.
My digital object shows that I can write an exclamation about Matariki and post it on my blog.

Monday, 22 June 2020

Times tables

We are learning our times tables. 
We are learning to each week
This week I am learning 6 x 4 and 8 x 6
Next time I would change and practice at home. 

Thursday, 18 June 2020

Helps and Hinders for refugees

Over the past week we have been learning about helps and hinders for refugees.
Next time I would change the different reasons.
I found it tricky to find what would help and not help refugees.

Ahmet's story: comic strip

WALT write comic strips
I found it tricky to focus when the classroom was loud 
Next time I would change the way I present it  and base it on the story
My digital object shows that I can create a comet and post it.

Wednesday, 17 June 2020

Corpus Christi and Transubstantiation

I enjoyed looking for the meanings of words.
My digital object shows that I can tell people about Transubstantiation and Corpus Christi.
Next time I should change the way I performed my slides and how much information I put on them.

Friday, 12 June 2020

Gravity - Explanation Writing

What happens when you spray a hose?
The water comes down with the force of gravity.
Gravity is the force that keeps us on the ground and pulls objects to the ground.
Boinks are a flexible spring action toy. If you squeeze a boink and let it go it will go flying up. With the force of gravity it will fall back down.
If you invert a dropper popper and drop the dome down with a ping pong ball, it will fly back up
into the air and then eventually gravity pulls it back down.
Force means to pull  or push acting against an object.
No matter where you throw something, it will come down with the force of gravity .

This week I was learning how to  paragraph. I had to do my sequence ideas in order, stick to one topic in each paragraph, use line breaks between paragraphs and use correct punctuation.
Next time I would change what the base of my explanation was.
I found it tricky to write the explanation and post it on my blog because it was hard to use all of the success criteria.

Tuesday, 9 June 2020

Trinity Sunday

Today we will learning about Trinity Sunday.
Trinity mean three-in-one, the Father the son and the Holy Spirit.
In class we used an apple as an example to show trinity.
The skin is like God, He protects us like the skin protects the apple.
The flesh is like Jesus, He nourishes us.
The seeds are like the Holy Spirit, planting the fruit of the Holy Spirit.

Monday, 8 June 2020

May reflection

Today I was learning how to reflect on what I was doing in May in my classroom and at home.
Next time I would push my group to get over 100 points so that we could have invisibility time.

Bling your blog

Today we were learning how to change the background of our blog and change and change the head title.
Next I would change the font and word sizing.
I found it easy to take disign my head line.
My digital object shows I can disign a new header for my blog and insert it.
                                             This is my blog before hand:

This is my blog after I changed  some stuff:

Friday, 5 June 2020


WALT recognice homophones
The words there, their and they're are often confused.
There is used to refear a place
They're is a contract meaning they are
Their means belonging to them.
I found it hard to get the corrent
I enjoyed  marking it and learning what a homeophone was.

Wednesday, 3 June 2020


The past few days we have been learning about Pentecost and the Holy Spirit.
Next time I would change how I toke the photo.
I found it hard to cut  the correct sizes of pieces to fit the dove.

Jesus' twelve disciples were standing in a room where they had a flame that was the Holy Spirit and they also started speaking different languages.
So that they could tell everyone about Jesus.
Pentecost is 50 days after Easter Sunday.
The dove represents peace and The Flame represents the wisdom and power of the Holy Spirit.
Turn the flame around and it will look like a dove

Tuesday, 2 June 2020

Torch challenge

WALT  make a closed circuit
My group found it easy to use the tin foil
My group found it tricky to make the light bulb glow.
Next time we would research and change where the wires went.
My group put the 2 cc batteries together and then put 3 wires around the 2 cc batteries, we put two wires that connected to the tin foil.
Our light bulb did not glow.
If you have any ideas let me know in the comments.
You need
  1. 1 light bulb
  2. 2 cc batteries
  3. 6 wires
  4. 1 piece of tin foil
  5. 1 piece of cardboard
  6. 1 roll of electrical tape
This is my group trying to make the circuit: