Thursday, 30 July 2020

July reflection

Today we have been doing out July reflections.
I found it easy to download the picture and put it onto my July reflection.
I found it hard to keep up with the teacher.
Next time I would change the way I presented it and maybe put some of my own pictures on.

Thursday, 23 July 2020

David Walliams

This past week we have been creating our own David Walliams facts file.
Next time I would change what facts I put on and how I presented it.
I found it hard to find a quote that I liked and his date of birth.

Whakapono/ Faith

This week we were given a challenge on Monday about our term value Faith/ Whakapono.
Next time I would change my design and add different quotes.
I found it hard to find a site that wasn't Wikipedia that had quotes on Faith.
I found it easy to find something that looked like Faith.

Wednesday, 22 July 2020

Report writing

This week our teacher gave as a cut up report to put into paragraphs.
We had to use adjectives, specific nouns and subject specific vocab (words)
Next time I would rethink the paragraphs and change some.
In the report we stuck to 1 topic in each paragraph.
The report included a classification, habitat,description and dynamic fact.

Thursday, 2 July 2020

Matariki star

We have been learning to make a 3d star out of paper.
I found it tricky to make the stars the same size.
I found it easy to  cut around the stars.
My digital object shows that I can make a 3D star and blog it.

Matariki Breakfast

This morning we had a shared breakfast to celebrate matariki.
I enjoyed spending time celebrating Matariki and eating matariki food.
All I could screaming and laughing and there was talking about matariki and talking cards so that we could.