Thursday, 22 October 2020

Jungle law

In reading we are learning how to identify. I found it hard to work with a partner because we had different ideas. I found it easy to think of what fonts and how big I wanted the words.

Wednesday, 21 October 2020

Camp goals

 Today I set my camp goals because next week we are going to camp at Tui Ridge. I found it easy to to think of my social goal. I found it hard to think of how I could make a new friend. 

Friday, 16 October 2020

Keep our awa clean

 Today our class wrote a letter to the Gisborne Herald. It was about making our our clean and asking the council to come and load out our grass. I found it hard to think of ways why the council should come in mow the grass. I found it easy to put all my details in on the form.

Down by our school, Saint Marys Gisborne we have a Rerenga Awa.  We are a green gold enviro school. We would really like to grow more native trees down there so that we can try to increase the amount of native birds, insects and tiny creatures in the awa. But, to do this we need the black berry bushes cleared and the banks mowed by the council. Ever since we started planting trees the council has stopped mowing and spraying the black berry bush and grass. I think the council should do their part in keeping on top of their responsibilities so we can keep planting our awa clean. 

Thursday, 15 October 2020

Apple tree dilemma

This week we have been reading a book called apple tree dilemma. It is about these two kids and they think that there there's an apple tree on the front of the house and that is true but when the grey kids moved in they started playing on it. they even started stealing the Apple when they were ready and ripe. I found it hard to find a character to compare Dad with. I found it easy to think of ways to describe Dad.

Wednesday, 14 October 2020

Pop art Collage

Today we learned how to use lunapic , I got in inspired by Andy Warhol I found it easy to make my pictures because all I had to do is take a self portrait then take that and put it on lunapic.  I found it hard to use the lunapic site because it had lots of filters and sketch 2 which is under art. First I took a photo of myself, went onto the lunapic website. Next I pressed upload, it will tell you to pick the photo that you would like to do. Then pick your filters or sketch 2. Next go to file then go down to save image, press save image as png and it will download your photo. This is my first attempt of doing it, it was amazing but a bit hard. I think you would really like to do this.