Friday, 13 November 2020

Artwork colouring book

 Today we had Mrs Torrie for cybersmart. I found it hard to color in the little pieces because the big  pieces would change colour.  I found it easy to pick the colours because I had a clear picture what I was going to do. Mohammed Melehi was the artist for the piece of digital art I recreated. Here is the link to art colouring book the site I used.

Here is the original piece of artwork:

                                                                                              Here is my version:


Monday, 9 November 2020

Spooky house

 In reading we had to make our own spooky house. We are learning how to infer. I found it hard to draw the outlines of the house because I wanted them to be straight. I found it easy to decorate the house and the ghost's in blood. Next time I would make the door blend with the background. 

We have been learning how to infer, it means to find a conclusion reached on the basis of evidence and reasoning. In the story  the moving men said " Have we got the right house?"  The house had been for sale  for many years because weird things had happened in that house.

Sunday, 8 November 2020


This past week we have been learning about Parihaka. In reading we have been collecting information about Parihaka. There were 8 different fact cards for us to read. Once we were finished we cut them out to make two albatross feathers. 
Here are my feathers,

Updated camp goals

 Last week we went on camp. We did high ropes, rope maze, flying fox, frisbee golf, laser tag, nerf wars, indoor rock climbing and last of all my fav slingshot paintball. I am proud of myself for achieving my goal, which was to make a new friend.  My new friend is Elena, make sure you check out her blog.

Friday, 6 November 2020

October reflection

 This is our October reflection this is everything we have done this month. We have reflected on our learning and what we have done. Have you ever done a reflection newsletter? I really enjoy this time because it is a time for me to reflect on my learning.

Letters of thanks

Last week we went on a wonderful camp and this week we were writing thank you letters to the people who came and the instructors at Tui Ridge. I wrote my letter to Dom who was one of instructors. instructors. He instructed us for the flying fox and sling shot paint ball.

Dear Dom,

I am writing to say thank you for instructing and teaching a bunch of my group activities. I had a lot of fun talking to you about your future and what you have been doing this past year.

Thank you so much for pushing me out of my comfort zone and making me take one step further than I thought I could do. I had so much fun doing all of the activities and learning how to do new activities. Personally I thought it was a great camp.                                                                                                          

Again thank you for supporting our camp,

Mā te wā


Monday, 2 November 2020

Camp 2020

Last week we went on camp to Tui Ridge. My favourite activity was going to Paradise Valley Springs where we saw lots of different animals including lions. My favourite animals were the wallabies, one of them even  had a Joey in their pouch. I used tall tweets to make my gif.