Friday, 24 April 2020


Today I was learning about the World wars.
Next time I will try and keep on task.
I found it easy to download load the photos and then put them on the slides.
I found it tricky to find something about them to write about them.


  1. Kia ora Francesca,
    I really like the photos on your slide of you making the ANZAC cookies. I especially liked the photo of your sister wearing your grannys uniform! That is so special that your whanau have these.
    Your cookies did look scrumptious!
    Thank you for sharing with us.
    Ma te wa
    Mrs Tamatea

  2. Kia ora Francesca,
    Your biscuits look delcious. Did anyone help you? Well done for cleaning up the kitchen afterwards.
    I don't hink I would like to wear a gas mask like your Great Granny did.
    Mā te wā,
    Mrs Naden

  3. Ka pai Francesca. Your anzac biscuits really were scrumptious!! Thank you for sharing them with us :-) when we are able to travel to see Nan we could maybe ask her some more questions about what Great-granny did during the war?


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