Friday, 28 February 2020

Team 1 goal setting.

 These are my learning goals for team 1. Hinehakirangi is the person I chose because she is a good role modal for me because sometimes I am not confident with my leaning and I always challenge myself.

Term 1 2020 Goal Setting
This goal setting has been constructed with the students and teachers working together. Students will then share their goals and whanau input feedback or ways in which they can support their child in achieving them.

Religious Education Goal -
To build a relationship with God by:
Praying every night in my bed room
Listening to God’s call - doing the right thing
Being kind like Jesus - being kinder than kind
Being a friend to everyone by looking after them if they are hurt and including people
Whanau can support me by … taking me to church and praying together.

Social Goal -
To include people in my games that I don’t normally play with.

Whanau can support me by …
Chatting together after school to check how this is going.

Learning Disposition Goal -
To be more like Hinehakirangi by taking risks and challenging myself. I will try new things and read different types of books.

Whanau can support me by …
Find different reading material for you, take Francesca to the library, te

Academic Goal -
To improve my math by learning my times tables off by heart..

Whanau can support me by ...
Practising them at home every day.

Signed Student -
Signed Teacher -
Signed Whanau -

Thursday, 27 February 2020

My Lenten Promises

Lent is the time of preparation before Easter, I am giving up chocolate for Lent.
Fasting in where you give up some thing for 40 days.
Almsgiving is where you do something for someone that you don't always do for them.
We get ashes on our forehead on ash Wednesday to turn away from sins.

Friday, 21 February 2020

Making huts!!!

 We are learning how to use specific nouns, use juicy verbs and adjectives.
I found it tricky to use a similes.
Next time i would add  more powerful verbs.

Making huts
When I was little ( I still am )I played hide and seek tags and hang upside down on huge monkey bars, but most of
all I love making huts with Thomas and my four best friends Morgan Isabelle and Eva C and last of all Arabella.
blankets covered the chairs that guarded us from other teams. The bible's weighed  the blankets down.The pigs clipped the blankets on to the chairs. Then the bickering started.
“I said don't bust our hut!
“I AM NOT!!!”
there was a silence for a minute and then Mrs Naden said “BUST YOUR HUTS NOW!!!!!”
we did not want to bast our hats because we were having so much fun.That was making huts.

Thursday, 20 February 2020

Friday, 14 February 2020

About me!

Hi my name is Francesca and I go to St Mary's School and Gisborne NZ, I am a year 6.

I have one brother and two sisters.
I live with my Mum and Dad and 3 chicken's

I am good at soccer, art, and cooking.
I like my friends, my teachers and chromebook.
My goal is to read 1000 in a year.

I am looking ford to camp and more art this year.

Ka kite ano- see you again soon.

Paoa and Kiwa

Today I was learning about Paoa and Kiwa

I enjoyed doing the art work.

I found it challenging to find the right piece of wood.

Next time I would change my designs on the sail's.

 On tuesday koka Maddinson came from the museum to teach as about the waka Horouta and how turanganui a Kiwa means the waiting place of Kiwa.
Paoa and kiwa came from hawaiki and sailed all the way to ohiwa and there the waka hit a sand bar and broke, kiwa searched valleys and mountains for the special tree named   to fix the waka, when he found it he was by a river so he chopped it down and floated it down the river where it  landed on the beach that Paoa was on, the fixed the waka and got back to sailing and then reached a place the Kiwa named Turanganui a Kiwa.

Wednesday, 5 February 2020