Friday, 28 February 2020

Team 1 goal setting.

 These are my learning goals for team 1. Hinehakirangi is the person I chose because she is a good role modal for me because sometimes I am not confident with my leaning and I always challenge myself.

Term 1 2020 Goal Setting
This goal setting has been constructed with the students and teachers working together. Students will then share their goals and whanau input feedback or ways in which they can support their child in achieving them.

Religious Education Goal -
To build a relationship with God by:
Praying every night in my bed room
Listening to God’s call - doing the right thing
Being kind like Jesus - being kinder than kind
Being a friend to everyone by looking after them if they are hurt and including people
Whanau can support me by … taking me to church and praying together.

Social Goal -
To include people in my games that I don’t normally play with.

Whanau can support me by …
Chatting together after school to check how this is going.

Learning Disposition Goal -
To be more like Hinehakirangi by taking risks and challenging myself. I will try new things and read different types of books.

Whanau can support me by …
Find different reading material for you, take Francesca to the library, te

Academic Goal -
To improve my math by learning my times tables off by heart..

Whanau can support me by ...
Practising them at home every day.

Signed Student -
Signed Teacher -
Signed Whanau -

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