Tuesday, 21 April 2020

Poppy out of lego

Today I was learning how to make a poppy out of LEGO.
I found it easy to make the leaf because I just had to stack pieces of Lego up that were green.
I found it tricky to find something that would look good for the black piece in the middle of the Poppy.
Next time I would put a little poppy and quite a few more poppys around the place.


  1. Yassou Francesca,
    Your poppy looks great. What did you learn about the Gallipoli campaign from watching the video before you completed this task?
    I can't play your video. If you go to the Cybersmart page on our Class Site and select Blogging Tutorials, there is a video showing you how to embed yours. It is the fourth video so you will hve to scroll down. Then you can update your blog.
    Mā te wā,
    Mrs Naden

  2. Beautiful Poppy Fran, very clever.

  3. Hi unkown


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