Friday, 17 April 2020


Today I was learning how to camouflage myself.
I found it tricky to think of something that was creative.
Next time I will change what I camouflage as.
I was camouflaging inside my dad's ginormous jumper that was drying on my whanaus washing line.


  1. This was such a cool task! It really was impossible to see you camouflaged as a jumper in the middle of all the washing!!

  2. Hola Francesca,
    The suspense was great in the video. I kept thinking, 'Where is she? How can she be hiding in there?' How did you put your video on your blog? Some people are having problems doing this so it would be great if you could tell them how to on your blog. Then they will be able to visit your blog and leave a kind and helpful comment.
    Mā te wā,
    Mrs Naden

    1. Hi Mrs Naden
      My mum took the video and then send it to me and then I went to the
      video button on the new post page and upload it.

  3. What an awesome place to position yourself - camouflaged as a jumper. There was no way I could spot you. Great video Francesca!
    Mrs Swider

  4. Wow Francesca that was great! I think it's very clever that you were able to upload the video.

  5. Kia Ora Francesca,
    This was a great idea! I never would have thought to hide in a jumper hanging on the line. I was wondering where is she? How could she be hiding in a jumper on the line? Very creative and most importantly you looked like you were enjoying this task.
    Ka pai to mahi.

    Mrs Tamatea


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