Friday, 29 May 2020


For the past 2 weeks we have been learning about dolphins.
Next  time I would challenge myself to make a set of slides about dolphins and put them on my blog for people to do.
I found it tricky to write heaps of information about dolphins.
I found it easy to  make the design for the top. I thought about what  was polluting them and the ocean.

Thursday, 28 May 2020


This week I was learning how to use a hook. We had to use uicy verbs, similes and also different sentence starters.
Next time I would change how many similes  I used and what they were.
I found it tricky to voice type so I just screencast instead.
I found it easy to to wright the whole thing by myself.

As soon as we arrived I played a long game of sleeping queens
with my loud and noisy cousins. My little cousins fell asleep halfway through the stressful game.
The game felt as long as a humpback whale.
Trying to wake them up with Frozen music  from the Frozen soundtrack,it worked , but they did not like it.
When the game was finished we went to go jump on the soaking wet tramp at 8 which at that time was pitch black.
Punching and kicking each other, it was like a mini fight with my cousins.
Next we ran inside to get ready for joke hour which is something my cousins do in their house.
Here is a little joke for you (what did the pirate get in it's test: high Cs )
There were as many  jokes as lotto tickets.
Uncle Matt did an extremely funny dad joke which made me
laugh my hardest.
It was as funny as a dolphin clapping.

Wednesday, 27 May 2020

Hail Mary in sign language

May is the month of Mary.
In our class we have been learning how to say Hail Mary in sign language and pray the rosary.
Next time when screen casting, I would stand a little closer to the screen to make myself little bit clearer and easier to hear.
I found it tricky to remember all the actions when screen casting.

New Zealand sign language is different to American sign language. The video we have been watching is of someone doing Hail Mary in American sign language.  I tried the New Zealand sign language video but found it really hard. I would like to learn the New Zealand as well as the American version.


Monday, 25 May 2020

Jesus ascending into heaven

Today I was learning about  when Jesus  ascended into heaven.
Next time I would change what the disciples were made out of.
I found it tricky to make Jesus out of shapes.
I found it easy to make straight  lines for the disciples.

Henri Matisse

Last week I was learning how to paint still life like Henri Matisse did.
Next time I would change what still life I did and what it looked like.
Henri Matisse painted still life pictures.
He lived between 31 December 1869 – 3 November 1954.
He was from france.
He was born on new years eve.
We had to use primary colours plus white or black to make the colours we wanted.

Friday, 22 May 2020

Going to fiji

Today I was learning how to use different sentence starters and use juicy verbs.
Next I would make links between my paragraphs.

Thursday, 14 May 2020

Wednesday, 13 May 2020

Lockdown diary part 9


Today I was learning how to  think of something craftive and write a story around it.
Next time I would change the problem and write a different story based on a different mystery.
I found it easy to think of the problem but hard to think of the solution.
I hope you enjoy the story and think it is interesting.
Because I loved it so much and I wanted to write more.
This is only part 1 of the story!
Click here to see what I wrote


Click here to go to my flappy bird game: FLAPPY BIRD
Today I was learning  how to make a my own version of flappy bird and there were also 10 levels.
Next time I would change the way my game worked and how you played it.
I did not what to stop because it was so so amazing!

Tuesday, 12 May 2020

Computer programming

Reduce Reuse Recycle Repurpose

Today I was learning how to reuse cycle and repurpose you can do this by using less plastic in your lunch boxes and being aware that you should not use plastic bags.
Next time I would changed the way I did it and has more facts and make it look like a poster from an advertiser.


Today I was learning how to solve these problems off by hats and that when we go back into school after the coronavirus has stopped we can say these off by heart and the teacher can test stuff on them.
Next time I would change and make my own one of them and  make the safe so you can actually enter and then you get a massive party on the next slide and I would also make the questions places and times and if you really wanted I could make them divided bys.
I found it easy to solve minuses because I'm good at them and and I think you could make them a bit harder and put some more of them in and do more codes to figure out I really likes the codes.
It was funny that the rabbits love liquorice because rabbits and bunnies don't actually eat liquorice. They like carrots and lettuce instead.

Binary cards

Monday, 11 May 2020

Vincent van Gogh

New inventions

Today I was learning how  to create a new invention.
Next time what time is vented to make it more interesting.
I found it to tricky think of what my boat would have and be like and how long and how wide it would be.

Hehu Karaiti

Today I was learning about people that had faith in God
I found it easy to match the bible verses.
I would learn more about people who that have faith.

Things that might help me to learn more about people that have faith:

  • Go to church every sunday
  • Read more of the bible
  • Learn more about saints
  • Learn more about the bible statements

Friday, 8 May 2020


We made a leaf circle to represent the different stages of the leaves through the season.s
Today I was learning how to get leaves from the different seasons.
I found it tricky to find leaves of the different stages and colours.
We found all of our leaves in our front garden and the big leaves.
The four big leaves are like North East South West, we did not mean to do this but it happened.
Next time I will change how big and how wide the circle and leave were.

Marble Run Challenge

Today I was learning how to play around with things
Next time I will change  how long the track was and try and find a way to make it go slower
My video is not 30 seconds but we will play around with it at the weekend
Sorry about that
I found it tricky to find the right length of paper <br />

Thursday, 7 May 2020

Cookie challenge


Today I was learning about how to stop a virus using this game.
Next time  I will change how many people are staying at home.
I found it tricky to think of what to say in the news.

Wednesday, 6 May 2020

Banana candle

Today I was learning how to make a banana candle I found it tricky to make it light for a long time because the almond was too short Next line Next time I would change and I would decorate it


Tuesday, 5 May 2020

Monday, 4 May 2020

Friday, 1 May 2020

April reflection

My New Game

Today my task was to create a game that people could play and play it with my whanau.
Next time I would change the things the game had in it.
I enjoyed making up things that people could do and colouring it.
I found it easy to draw the out line of the card.


                                                   Circuits and Electricity

Did you know that an electrical circuit makes a radio work? Electricity is really important to our lives because we use it everyday in radios as well as in phones and in computers.

A circuit needs a battery and some wires to connect to whatever you are trying to get power to. You also may need a switch to turn the circuit off and on. A circuit may also have a resistor to reduce current flow.

Current flow means when the electricity circles around the circuit to the radio or lightbulb, or whatever you are trying to power. A switch lets you turn your circuit off or on. If the switch is closed there are no gaps and the electricity can run around the circuit. If the switch is open there will be a gap in the circuit and the electricity cannot jump over the gap.

We use electricity to do our work and contact our friends and whanau and cook our meals and do our washing. Can you imagine what life would be like without electricity?
Today I was learning about electricity circuits
Next time I would change what I built out of my brain box
I found it tricky to find the pieces and how many I needed