Next time I would change how many similes I used and what they were.
I found it tricky to voice type so I just screencast instead.
I found it easy to to wright the whole thing by myself.
As soon as we arrived I played a long game of sleeping queens
with my loud and noisy cousins. My little cousins fell asleep halfway through the stressful game.
The game felt as long as a humpback whale.
Trying to wake them up with Frozen music from the Frozen soundtrack,it worked , but they did not like it.
When the game was finished we went to go jump on the soaking wet tramp at 8 which at that time was pitch black.
Punching and kicking each other, it was like a mini fight with my cousins.
Next we ran inside to get ready for joke hour which is something my cousins do in their house.
Here is a little joke for you (what did the pirate get in it's test: high Cs )
There were as many jokes as lotto tickets.
Uncle Matt did an extremely funny dad joke which made me
laugh my hardest.
It was as funny as a dolphin clapping.
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