Friday, 1 May 2020


                                                   Circuits and Electricity

Did you know that an electrical circuit makes a radio work? Electricity is really important to our lives because we use it everyday in radios as well as in phones and in computers.

A circuit needs a battery and some wires to connect to whatever you are trying to get power to. You also may need a switch to turn the circuit off and on. A circuit may also have a resistor to reduce current flow.

Current flow means when the electricity circles around the circuit to the radio or lightbulb, or whatever you are trying to power. A switch lets you turn your circuit off or on. If the switch is closed there are no gaps and the electricity can run around the circuit. If the switch is open there will be a gap in the circuit and the electricity cannot jump over the gap.

We use electricity to do our work and contact our friends and whanau and cook our meals and do our washing. Can you imagine what life would be like without electricity?
Today I was learning about electricity circuits
Next time I would change what I built out of my brain box
I found it tricky to find the pieces and how many I needed

1 comment:

  1. Sälemetsiz be Francesca,
    This is a great explanation of electricity. Remember to look at your success criteria so you can write:
    We are learning to...
    I enjoyed...
    I found it easy to...
    I found it tricky to...
    Next time I would...
    Then you can update your blog.
    Mā te wā,
    Mrs Naden


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