Monday, 4 May 2020



  1. Kia ora Francesca,
    Fran your blog is beautiful, well done! I love your prayer space and your images you have chosen to use. Everything you have said are all ways of growing in Gods holiness. I really like how you have said when someone hurts you,you will forgive them like Jesus did. This can be a challenging thing to do but,as we already know what it means to be a daughter or son of God we know it is the right thing to do and this indeed is how we grow in Gods holiness.
    Thank you for sharing your beautiful work with us today.
    Nga mihi nui
    Mrs Tamatea

  2. Annyeonghaseyo Francesca,
    Forgiving others is a big part of growing in holiness. Well done for thinking about this.
    What do you mean when you say, "Listen to Gods preachers and nutre"? Maybe you could explain this for your readers and update your blog.
    Mā te wā,
    Mrs Naden


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