Thursday, 3 December 2020

Ice Candles

Today we made Ice candles  as a class. This is our we made them: 

Step one- cut the top of your cartoon with scissors. Step two- rup oil around the 5 sides of the cartoon. Step three- put a white tall candle into the centre of the cartoon. Step four- fill the cartoon all the way to the top with ice. Well you're filling your cartoon you are melting old candles that can no longer be lit. Step five-  when your candles are finished melting pour them into your cartoon all the way to the top. Sep six- let is set. Step seven- in the morning we ripped open the cartoons to find big holes in the candles which water sprayed out of. The one we opened in my group had a smiley face.

Tuesday, 1 December 2020

November Reflection

 This is our November reflection this is everything we have done this month. We have reflected on our learning and what we have done. Have you ever done a reflection newsletter? I really enjoy this time because it is a time for me to reflect on my learning.

Friday, 13 November 2020

Artwork colouring book

 Today we had Mrs Torrie for cybersmart. I found it hard to color in the little pieces because the big  pieces would change colour.  I found it easy to pick the colours because I had a clear picture what I was going to do. Mohammed Melehi was the artist for the piece of digital art I recreated. Here is the link to art colouring book the site I used.

Here is the original piece of artwork:

                                                                                              Here is my version:


Monday, 9 November 2020

Spooky house

 In reading we had to make our own spooky house. We are learning how to infer. I found it hard to draw the outlines of the house because I wanted them to be straight. I found it easy to decorate the house and the ghost's in blood. Next time I would make the door blend with the background. 

We have been learning how to infer, it means to find a conclusion reached on the basis of evidence and reasoning. In the story  the moving men said " Have we got the right house?"  The house had been for sale  for many years because weird things had happened in that house.

Sunday, 8 November 2020


This past week we have been learning about Parihaka. In reading we have been collecting information about Parihaka. There were 8 different fact cards for us to read. Once we were finished we cut them out to make two albatross feathers. 
Here are my feathers,

Updated camp goals

 Last week we went on camp. We did high ropes, rope maze, flying fox, frisbee golf, laser tag, nerf wars, indoor rock climbing and last of all my fav slingshot paintball. I am proud of myself for achieving my goal, which was to make a new friend.  My new friend is Elena, make sure you check out her blog.

Friday, 6 November 2020

October reflection

 This is our October reflection this is everything we have done this month. We have reflected on our learning and what we have done. Have you ever done a reflection newsletter? I really enjoy this time because it is a time for me to reflect on my learning.

Letters of thanks

Last week we went on a wonderful camp and this week we were writing thank you letters to the people who came and the instructors at Tui Ridge. I wrote my letter to Dom who was one of instructors. instructors. He instructed us for the flying fox and sling shot paint ball.

Dear Dom,

I am writing to say thank you for instructing and teaching a bunch of my group activities. I had a lot of fun talking to you about your future and what you have been doing this past year.

Thank you so much for pushing me out of my comfort zone and making me take one step further than I thought I could do. I had so much fun doing all of the activities and learning how to do new activities. Personally I thought it was a great camp.                                                                                                          

Again thank you for supporting our camp,

Mā te wā


Monday, 2 November 2020

Camp 2020

Last week we went on camp to Tui Ridge. My favourite activity was going to Paradise Valley Springs where we saw lots of different animals including lions. My favourite animals were the wallabies, one of them even  had a Joey in their pouch. I used tall tweets to make my gif.

Thursday, 22 October 2020

Jungle law

In reading we are learning how to identify. I found it hard to work with a partner because we had different ideas. I found it easy to think of what fonts and how big I wanted the words.

Wednesday, 21 October 2020

Camp goals

 Today I set my camp goals because next week we are going to camp at Tui Ridge. I found it easy to to think of my social goal. I found it hard to think of how I could make a new friend. 

Friday, 16 October 2020

Keep our awa clean

 Today our class wrote a letter to the Gisborne Herald. It was about making our our clean and asking the council to come and load out our grass. I found it hard to think of ways why the council should come in mow the grass. I found it easy to put all my details in on the form.

Down by our school, Saint Marys Gisborne we have a Rerenga Awa.  We are a green gold enviro school. We would really like to grow more native trees down there so that we can try to increase the amount of native birds, insects and tiny creatures in the awa. But, to do this we need the black berry bushes cleared and the banks mowed by the council. Ever since we started planting trees the council has stopped mowing and spraying the black berry bush and grass. I think the council should do their part in keeping on top of their responsibilities so we can keep planting our awa clean. 

Thursday, 15 October 2020

Apple tree dilemma

This week we have been reading a book called apple tree dilemma. It is about these two kids and they think that there there's an apple tree on the front of the house and that is true but when the grey kids moved in they started playing on it. they even started stealing the Apple when they were ready and ripe. I found it hard to find a character to compare Dad with. I found it easy to think of ways to describe Dad.

Wednesday, 14 October 2020

Pop art Collage

Today we learned how to use lunapic , I got in inspired by Andy Warhol I found it easy to make my pictures because all I had to do is take a self portrait then take that and put it on lunapic.  I found it hard to use the lunapic site because it had lots of filters and sketch 2 which is under art. First I took a photo of myself, went onto the lunapic website. Next I pressed upload, it will tell you to pick the photo that you would like to do. Then pick your filters or sketch 2. Next go to file then go down to save image, press save image as png and it will download your photo. This is my first attempt of doing it, it was amazing but a bit hard. I think you would really like to do this.


Thursday, 24 September 2020

Francesca's Room 1 September Student Reflection Newsletter

 This is our September reflection this is everything we have done this month. We have reflected on our learning and what we have done. Have you ever done a reflection newsletter? I really enjoy this time because it is a time for me to reflect on my learning.

Thursday, 10 September 2020


We have been learning how to write speeches, my speech was about why more girls should play rugby and how much you will enjoy it. Have you done a speech before if so what was it about. I found it tricky to pick just one of my topics.
Our success criteria was to 
*use a rhetorical question
*use persuasive language
*use emotive language 

Thursday, 3 September 2020

Frog comic

 For the past two weeks we have been making a comic strip about frogs, my partner was Logan. I did most of the writing and he did the decorating, my dad helped me do this task at home to catch up on it. This was a hard task to finish because it was a comic and because it was long. I found it easy to do most of the decorating on the slides.

August reflection

This is our August reflection this is everything we have done this month. We have reflected on our learning and what we have done. Have you ever done a reflection newsletter? I really enjoy this time because it is a time for me to reflect on my learning.

Thursday, 27 August 2020

Tracey Tawhiao

We have been doing Tracey Tawhiao inspired artwork, it was a really tricky artwork piece of artwork

 First we had to find a piece of newspaper with words on it that meant something to us.

Then we picked a color to paint over the news paper but leaving the few words that you have picked unpainted. When painting leave lines between blocks, the blocks can be paragraphs.                      

Next we googled patterns from our culture and put them on our painted piece of news paper, you can color the patterns in and do them different colors.

If you do this piece of artwork and like it please let me know, I really enjoy the feedback and I will comment on yours.

Friday, 21 August 2020

Sacraments of initiation

Today we were learning about the Sacraments of initiation, we had include the 3 most important Sacraments the 3 sacraments were Baptism Confirmation and Eucharist. 
We had to write a Symbol and Ritual for all of them, this is mine:

Thursday, 20 August 2020

Haast's eagle

 For the pasts few weeks we have been doing report writing about extinct animals I did mine on the Haast's eagle. It took me a long time to do this piece of writing because we had to plan it and then self assist and last of all we had to blog it .                                                                                                               This is my report:


The haast's eagle is from the accipitriformes family.


The haast's eagle has a brown head and black body with yellow legs.The bill is 130mm long  and  it is the largest, heaviest eagle species yet described weighing up to 17.8 kg .

The wingspan was up to 3m long.  They are about the size of a five year old. The boy length was up to 1.4 meters and adults stood up to 90 cms tall.   


They lived in the South Island, forests and in shrublands. The remains / bones have not been found anywhere else.


 They eat large flightless birds including moa which is up to 15 times the size of them plus lots of other things.


Haast's’ Eagles were once found throughout the South Island, but because of hunting  from the Maori  people they became extinct. They also lost their prey.

Dynamic fact

The haast’s eagle was the largest eagle ever to have lived.

Monday, 17 August 2020

My Ruru art

This term we have been doing Ruru art, Ruru is the Maori word for owl. This piece of artwork took me a long time to do. We are going to be selling this piece of artwork in the St Mary's Got Talent. I found it tricky to write the reflection

Maths Times table cheak up


For the past week or so we have been learning our times table today was a check up day.
I need to learn 9x8= and 3x8=, green means you got them right, orange means you forgot to hit enter  before the time has ran out and last of all red means you got the question wrong.

Friday, 14 August 2020

Faith gif

 During this week we made gifs about a challenge that we were set. It was a tricky task because we had to provide all of the materials. I would think of changing what faith felt like and maybe add what it sounds like and feels like. I hope you enjoy my blog/gif. We used tall tweets to make our gif, here is the link. When you click this link it will ask you to sign in using google. After that scroll down and click classic tall  tweets. Next click select presentation you may need to scroll down to find this.

Bird feeder

 As a task this week we made bird feeders because  as a school we would like to have more native birds in the school. My bird feeder has two bowls one for sugar water and the other one is for uncooked rolled oats. The reason why I did not do what I was planing was because we did not have enough wood. The reason I put uncooked rolled oats instead of seeds  because seeds as they get old it will start to dry out and won't attract many. This is the website I used:

Thursday, 30 July 2020

July reflection

Today we have been doing out July reflections.
I found it easy to download the picture and put it onto my July reflection.
I found it hard to keep up with the teacher.
Next time I would change the way I presented it and maybe put some of my own pictures on.

Thursday, 23 July 2020

David Walliams

This past week we have been creating our own David Walliams facts file.
Next time I would change what facts I put on and how I presented it.
I found it hard to find a quote that I liked and his date of birth.

Whakapono/ Faith

This week we were given a challenge on Monday about our term value Faith/ Whakapono.
Next time I would change my design and add different quotes.
I found it hard to find a site that wasn't Wikipedia that had quotes on Faith.
I found it easy to find something that looked like Faith.

Wednesday, 22 July 2020

Report writing

This week our teacher gave as a cut up report to put into paragraphs.
We had to use adjectives, specific nouns and subject specific vocab (words)
Next time I would rethink the paragraphs and change some.
In the report we stuck to 1 topic in each paragraph.
The report included a classification, habitat,description and dynamic fact.

Thursday, 2 July 2020

Matariki star

We have been learning to make a 3d star out of paper.
I found it tricky to make the stars the same size.
I found it easy to  cut around the stars.
My digital object shows that I can make a 3D star and blog it.

Matariki Breakfast

This morning we had a shared breakfast to celebrate matariki.
I enjoyed spending time celebrating Matariki and eating matariki food.
All I could screaming and laughing and there was talking about matariki and talking cards so that we could.

Tuesday, 30 June 2020

June reflection

We have been reflecting on our June learning.
I found it easy to think of my highlights of June.
I found it tricky to fill out the math box.

Monday, 29 June 2020

Pattern ball- P.E

We are learning to communicate and work as a team.
First of all you get in to teams of 5 or more. Then you work out the pattern.
Next we tried the pattern with a netball this ball uses a chest pass and when you got the ball you sat down. When we got good at the netball we went on to the second ball which was a basketball with a basketball you bounce it. Now last of all when you get enough you add the third ball now this ball is a rugby ball you do a rugby pass.
To communicate we had to call each other's names and use eye contact.
I found it easy to remember the pattern and who was passing to me.
I found it hard to remember what balls were what passes.

Friday, 26 June 2020


This last week we have been learning about Matariki and  flip grids on if if it should be a public holiday.
Next time I would change the way I present it.
I found it tricky to do the recording because everyone kept talking.

Matariki is the Maori name for a cluster of stars which shows up at night sky and June and July.

Matariki should only be a public holiday and our country because it's Maori culture.
I think Matariki should be a public holiday because it represents Maori new year and Maori people.Other cultures worldwide celebrate their cultural new year.

Chinese New Year
Chinese New Year is a time to celebrate with family in china.
Chinese New Year is only a public holiday in its own country.
Chinese New Year is celebrated with food and traditional dances.

Diwali lasts for 5 days.The days of Diwali changes
because of the year  changing.
Yes, it should be a public holiday because it seems like a good time to have a public holiday.
I think Diwali should be a public holiday because it is a Indian Festival of Lights.

Kharn: yes because they would love to hang out with their friends and dance  and eat hangi.
Josh: yes because it is nice to see family and friends.
Logan: yes because I think matariki should be a public holiday because you're celebrating the maroi culture and especially if you are maroi.
Sione: yes because it only comes up once  a year and it's a great chance to see in the family.

Thursday, 25 June 2020


I was learning to use subheadings, text boxers and pictures.
I found it tricky to put it in my own words.
Next time I would change and put it on a Google drawing and create some of my designs.
My digital object shows that I can write an exclamation about Matariki and post it on my blog.

Monday, 22 June 2020

Times tables

We are learning our times tables. 
We are learning to each week
This week I am learning 6 x 4 and 8 x 6
Next time I would change and practice at home. 

Thursday, 18 June 2020

Helps and Hinders for refugees

Over the past week we have been learning about helps and hinders for refugees.
Next time I would change the different reasons.
I found it tricky to find what would help and not help refugees.

Ahmet's story: comic strip

WALT write comic strips
I found it tricky to focus when the classroom was loud 
Next time I would change the way I present it  and base it on the story
My digital object shows that I can create a comet and post it.

Wednesday, 17 June 2020

Corpus Christi and Transubstantiation

I enjoyed looking for the meanings of words.
My digital object shows that I can tell people about Transubstantiation and Corpus Christi.
Next time I should change the way I performed my slides and how much information I put on them.

Friday, 12 June 2020

Gravity - Explanation Writing

What happens when you spray a hose?
The water comes down with the force of gravity.
Gravity is the force that keeps us on the ground and pulls objects to the ground.
Boinks are a flexible spring action toy. If you squeeze a boink and let it go it will go flying up. With the force of gravity it will fall back down.
If you invert a dropper popper and drop the dome down with a ping pong ball, it will fly back up
into the air and then eventually gravity pulls it back down.
Force means to pull  or push acting against an object.
No matter where you throw something, it will come down with the force of gravity .

This week I was learning how to  paragraph. I had to do my sequence ideas in order, stick to one topic in each paragraph, use line breaks between paragraphs and use correct punctuation.
Next time I would change what the base of my explanation was.
I found it tricky to write the explanation and post it on my blog because it was hard to use all of the success criteria.

Tuesday, 9 June 2020

Trinity Sunday

Today we will learning about Trinity Sunday.
Trinity mean three-in-one, the Father the son and the Holy Spirit.
In class we used an apple as an example to show trinity.
The skin is like God, He protects us like the skin protects the apple.
The flesh is like Jesus, He nourishes us.
The seeds are like the Holy Spirit, planting the fruit of the Holy Spirit.

Monday, 8 June 2020

May reflection

Today I was learning how to reflect on what I was doing in May in my classroom and at home.
Next time I would push my group to get over 100 points so that we could have invisibility time.

Bling your blog

Today we were learning how to change the background of our blog and change and change the head title.
Next I would change the font and word sizing.
I found it easy to take disign my head line.
My digital object shows I can disign a new header for my blog and insert it.
                                             This is my blog before hand:

This is my blog after I changed  some stuff:

Friday, 5 June 2020


WALT recognice homophones
The words there, their and they're are often confused.
There is used to refear a place
They're is a contract meaning they are
Their means belonging to them.
I found it hard to get the corrent
I enjoyed  marking it and learning what a homeophone was.

Wednesday, 3 June 2020


The past few days we have been learning about Pentecost and the Holy Spirit.
Next time I would change how I toke the photo.
I found it hard to cut  the correct sizes of pieces to fit the dove.

Jesus' twelve disciples were standing in a room where they had a flame that was the Holy Spirit and they also started speaking different languages.
So that they could tell everyone about Jesus.
Pentecost is 50 days after Easter Sunday.
The dove represents peace and The Flame represents the wisdom and power of the Holy Spirit.
Turn the flame around and it will look like a dove

Tuesday, 2 June 2020

Torch challenge

WALT  make a closed circuit
My group found it easy to use the tin foil
My group found it tricky to make the light bulb glow.
Next time we would research and change where the wires went.
My group put the 2 cc batteries together and then put 3 wires around the 2 cc batteries, we put two wires that connected to the tin foil.
Our light bulb did not glow.
If you have any ideas let me know in the comments.
You need
  1. 1 light bulb
  2. 2 cc batteries
  3. 6 wires
  4. 1 piece of tin foil
  5. 1 piece of cardboard
  6. 1 roll of electrical tape
This is my group trying to make the circuit:

Friday, 29 May 2020


For the past 2 weeks we have been learning about dolphins.
Next  time I would challenge myself to make a set of slides about dolphins and put them on my blog for people to do.
I found it tricky to write heaps of information about dolphins.
I found it easy to  make the design for the top. I thought about what  was polluting them and the ocean.

Thursday, 28 May 2020


This week I was learning how to use a hook. We had to use uicy verbs, similes and also different sentence starters.
Next time I would change how many similes  I used and what they were.
I found it tricky to voice type so I just screencast instead.
I found it easy to to wright the whole thing by myself.

As soon as we arrived I played a long game of sleeping queens
with my loud and noisy cousins. My little cousins fell asleep halfway through the stressful game.
The game felt as long as a humpback whale.
Trying to wake them up with Frozen music  from the Frozen soundtrack,it worked , but they did not like it.
When the game was finished we went to go jump on the soaking wet tramp at 8 which at that time was pitch black.
Punching and kicking each other, it was like a mini fight with my cousins.
Next we ran inside to get ready for joke hour which is something my cousins do in their house.
Here is a little joke for you (what did the pirate get in it's test: high Cs )
There were as many  jokes as lotto tickets.
Uncle Matt did an extremely funny dad joke which made me
laugh my hardest.
It was as funny as a dolphin clapping.

Wednesday, 27 May 2020

Hail Mary in sign language

May is the month of Mary.
In our class we have been learning how to say Hail Mary in sign language and pray the rosary.
Next time when screen casting, I would stand a little closer to the screen to make myself little bit clearer and easier to hear.
I found it tricky to remember all the actions when screen casting.

New Zealand sign language is different to American sign language. The video we have been watching is of someone doing Hail Mary in American sign language.  I tried the New Zealand sign language video but found it really hard. I would like to learn the New Zealand as well as the American version.


Monday, 25 May 2020

Jesus ascending into heaven

Today I was learning about  when Jesus  ascended into heaven.
Next time I would change what the disciples were made out of.
I found it tricky to make Jesus out of shapes.
I found it easy to make straight  lines for the disciples.

Henri Matisse

Last week I was learning how to paint still life like Henri Matisse did.
Next time I would change what still life I did and what it looked like.
Henri Matisse painted still life pictures.
He lived between 31 December 1869 – 3 November 1954.
He was from france.
He was born on new years eve.
We had to use primary colours plus white or black to make the colours we wanted.

Friday, 22 May 2020

Going to fiji

Today I was learning how to use different sentence starters and use juicy verbs.
Next I would make links between my paragraphs.

Thursday, 14 May 2020

Wednesday, 13 May 2020

Lockdown diary part 9


Today I was learning how to  think of something craftive and write a story around it.
Next time I would change the problem and write a different story based on a different mystery.
I found it easy to think of the problem but hard to think of the solution.
I hope you enjoy the story and think it is interesting.
Because I loved it so much and I wanted to write more.
This is only part 1 of the story!
Click here to see what I wrote


Click here to go to my flappy bird game: FLAPPY BIRD
Today I was learning  how to make a my own version of flappy bird and there were also 10 levels.
Next time I would change the way my game worked and how you played it.
I did not what to stop because it was so so amazing!

Tuesday, 12 May 2020

Computer programming

Reduce Reuse Recycle Repurpose

Today I was learning how to reuse cycle and repurpose you can do this by using less plastic in your lunch boxes and being aware that you should not use plastic bags.
Next time I would changed the way I did it and has more facts and make it look like a poster from an advertiser.


Today I was learning how to solve these problems off by hats and that when we go back into school after the coronavirus has stopped we can say these off by heart and the teacher can test stuff on them.
Next time I would change and make my own one of them and  make the safe so you can actually enter and then you get a massive party on the next slide and I would also make the questions places and times and if you really wanted I could make them divided bys.
I found it easy to solve minuses because I'm good at them and and I think you could make them a bit harder and put some more of them in and do more codes to figure out I really likes the codes.
It was funny that the rabbits love liquorice because rabbits and bunnies don't actually eat liquorice. They like carrots and lettuce instead.

Binary cards

Monday, 11 May 2020

Vincent van Gogh

New inventions

Today I was learning how  to create a new invention.
Next time what time is vented to make it more interesting.
I found it to tricky think of what my boat would have and be like and how long and how wide it would be.

Hehu Karaiti

Today I was learning about people that had faith in God
I found it easy to match the bible verses.
I would learn more about people who that have faith.

Things that might help me to learn more about people that have faith:

  • Go to church every sunday
  • Read more of the bible
  • Learn more about saints
  • Learn more about the bible statements

Friday, 8 May 2020


We made a leaf circle to represent the different stages of the leaves through the season.s
Today I was learning how to get leaves from the different seasons.
I found it tricky to find leaves of the different stages and colours.
We found all of our leaves in our front garden and the big leaves.
The four big leaves are like North East South West, we did not mean to do this but it happened.
Next time I will change how big and how wide the circle and leave were.

Marble Run Challenge

Today I was learning how to play around with things
Next time I will change  how long the track was and try and find a way to make it go slower
My video is not 30 seconds but we will play around with it at the weekend
Sorry about that
I found it tricky to find the right length of paper <br />

Thursday, 7 May 2020

Cookie challenge


Today I was learning about how to stop a virus using this game.
Next time  I will change how many people are staying at home.
I found it tricky to think of what to say in the news.

Wednesday, 6 May 2020

Banana candle

Today I was learning how to make a banana candle I found it tricky to make it light for a long time because the almond was too short Next line Next time I would change and I would decorate it


Tuesday, 5 May 2020

Monday, 4 May 2020

Friday, 1 May 2020

April reflection

My New Game

Today my task was to create a game that people could play and play it with my whanau.
Next time I would change the things the game had in it.
I enjoyed making up things that people could do and colouring it.
I found it easy to draw the out line of the card.


                                                   Circuits and Electricity

Did you know that an electrical circuit makes a radio work? Electricity is really important to our lives because we use it everyday in radios as well as in phones and in computers.

A circuit needs a battery and some wires to connect to whatever you are trying to get power to. You also may need a switch to turn the circuit off and on. A circuit may also have a resistor to reduce current flow.

Current flow means when the electricity circles around the circuit to the radio or lightbulb, or whatever you are trying to power. A switch lets you turn your circuit off or on. If the switch is closed there are no gaps and the electricity can run around the circuit. If the switch is open there will be a gap in the circuit and the electricity cannot jump over the gap.

We use electricity to do our work and contact our friends and whanau and cook our meals and do our washing. Can you imagine what life would be like without electricity?
Today I was learning about electricity circuits
Next time I would change what I built out of my brain box
I found it tricky to find the pieces and how many I needed

Thursday, 30 April 2020


Today I had a super power of teleportation and changing clothes quickly.
Next time I would change my superpower so that I could fly.
I found it easy to find an idea with the help of my whanau.

Raspberry pi

Today I was learning how to make a raspberry pi.
A raspberry pi is a tiny computer.
Next time I would change how many light bulbs I had.
My digital learning object shows that I can take a photo / screenshot and post on my blog.
I found it tricky to find what size would look best.
The things in the screen shot are a battery, a light bulb,and some wire.
This is the wesite I used:

Lockdown diary part 9

Wednesday, 29 April 2020

Friday, 24 April 2020


Today I was learning about the World wars.
Next time I will try and keep on task.
I found it easy to download load the photos and then put them on the slides.
I found it tricky to find something about them to write about them.

Obstacle course

Today we had to make a obstacle course
I wound it ricky who find the things I was planning on using
Next time I would change the things I used because it was hard to blow a back the balls

Thursday, 23 April 2020

Wednesday, 22 April 2020


Today I was learning how to make a hut.
Next time I would change the inside of the hut.
I found it tricky to make it stay up.

Lock down diary part 6

Tuesday, 21 April 2020

Poppy out of lego

Today I was learning how to make a poppy out of LEGO.
I found it easy to make the leaf because I just had to stack pieces of Lego up that were green.
I found it tricky to find something that would look good for the black piece in the middle of the Poppy.
Next time I would put a little poppy and quite a few more poppys around the place.

Lock down diary part 5

Monday, 20 April 2020

An elephant out of a milk bottle

Today I was learning how to reuse a milk bottle and make it into an elephant.
Next time I would change how I put the ears on because you could barely see the eyes.
I found it tricky to put the pieces on with the craft glue.

Lock down diary part 4

Friday, 17 April 2020


Today I was learning how to camouflage myself.
I found it tricky to think of something that was creative.
Next time I will change what I camouflage as.
I was camouflaging inside my dad's ginormous jumper that was drying on my whanaus washing line.

Lockdown diary Part 3

Thursday, 16 April 2020

Alphabet tower

Today I was learning how to make a tower out of things that began with each letter of the alphabet.
Next time I will change shape of the tower because it was wobbly.
I found it tricky to find something beginning with x because we had nothing in our house.

Lock-down diary part 2

The easter story

Today I was learning how to retell.
Next time I will change my photos.
What I found tricky was putting it into my own words.
I found it easy to use the mic to get my work down quicker.

Wednesday, 15 April 2020

Lockdown diary

I was learning how to take a photo and put it on slides.
Next time I would change what I appreciate about the people.
I found it tricky to think of something that I appreciate about them.

Ireland and Scotland

I was learning where my and ancestors come from.
Next time I will put more facts on my slides.
I found it tricky to write it.

Thursday, 19 March 2020

Sea Turtles

I was learning about sea turtles.

Friday, 13 March 2020

Noisey kina quiz

This week I was learning
I enjoyed finding some questions
I found it challenging to decide what questions I was going to do
My digital learning object shows that I am a Smart Learner when blogging.
Next time I would change my facts

Thursday, 12 March 2020

Sea week

Today I was learning about sustainable seas
I enjoyed writing the facts
I found it challenging to I found it challenging to find a shape to make a water drop
My digital learning object shows that I am a Smart Learner when blogging.
Next time I would change my facts

Friday, 6 March 2020

Alphabet soup taskmaster

Yesterday we did Buddy learning and in my team I had Mila Halamehi Morgan Carter  it was called Alphabet Soup we had to find something for every letter of the alphabet.

Thursday, 5 March 2020

Wednesday, 4 March 2020

Friday, 28 February 2020

Team 1 goal setting.

 These are my learning goals for team 1. Hinehakirangi is the person I chose because she is a good role modal for me because sometimes I am not confident with my leaning and I always challenge myself.

Term 1 2020 Goal Setting
This goal setting has been constructed with the students and teachers working together. Students will then share their goals and whanau input feedback or ways in which they can support their child in achieving them.

Religious Education Goal -
To build a relationship with God by:
Praying every night in my bed room
Listening to God’s call - doing the right thing
Being kind like Jesus - being kinder than kind
Being a friend to everyone by looking after them if they are hurt and including people
Whanau can support me by … taking me to church and praying together.

Social Goal -
To include people in my games that I don’t normally play with.

Whanau can support me by …
Chatting together after school to check how this is going.

Learning Disposition Goal -
To be more like Hinehakirangi by taking risks and challenging myself. I will try new things and read different types of books.

Whanau can support me by …
Find different reading material for you, take Francesca to the library, te

Academic Goal -
To improve my math by learning my times tables off by heart..

Whanau can support me by ...
Practising them at home every day.

Signed Student -
Signed Teacher -
Signed Whanau -

Thursday, 27 February 2020

My Lenten Promises

Lent is the time of preparation before Easter, I am giving up chocolate for Lent.
Fasting in where you give up some thing for 40 days.
Almsgiving is where you do something for someone that you don't always do for them.
We get ashes on our forehead on ash Wednesday to turn away from sins.

Friday, 21 February 2020

Making huts!!!

 We are learning how to use specific nouns, use juicy verbs and adjectives.
I found it tricky to use a similes.
Next time i would add  more powerful verbs.

Making huts
When I was little ( I still am )I played hide and seek tags and hang upside down on huge monkey bars, but most of
all I love making huts with Thomas and my four best friends Morgan Isabelle and Eva C and last of all Arabella.
blankets covered the chairs that guarded us from other teams. The bible's weighed  the blankets down.The pigs clipped the blankets on to the chairs. Then the bickering started.
“I said don't bust our hut!
“I AM NOT!!!”
there was a silence for a minute and then Mrs Naden said “BUST YOUR HUTS NOW!!!!!”
we did not want to bast our hats because we were having so much fun.That was making huts.

Thursday, 20 February 2020

Friday, 14 February 2020

About me!

Hi my name is Francesca and I go to St Mary's School and Gisborne NZ, I am a year 6.

I have one brother and two sisters.
I live with my Mum and Dad and 3 chicken's

I am good at soccer, art, and cooking.
I like my friends, my teachers and chromebook.
My goal is to read 1000 in a year.

I am looking ford to camp and more art this year.

Ka kite ano- see you again soon.

Paoa and Kiwa

Today I was learning about Paoa and Kiwa

I enjoyed doing the art work.

I found it challenging to find the right piece of wood.

Next time I would change my designs on the sail's.

 On tuesday koka Maddinson came from the museum to teach as about the waka Horouta and how turanganui a Kiwa means the waiting place of Kiwa.
Paoa and kiwa came from hawaiki and sailed all the way to ohiwa and there the waka hit a sand bar and broke, kiwa searched valleys and mountains for the special tree named   to fix the waka, when he found it he was by a river so he chopped it down and floated it down the river where it  landed on the beach that Paoa was on, the fixed the waka and got back to sailing and then reached a place the Kiwa named Turanganui a Kiwa.

Wednesday, 5 February 2020